The Lazy Sunday Taskmistress: Reporting for Duty

I’m multi-tasking by blogging with freshly-painted nails–please excuse any errant typos, or just chalk them up to my vanity…


So, Sunday has rolled around and life is back to normal!  That means food shopping, and this week, namely farmers’ market, where I was reprimanded by the usual vendors for being late.  Um,  according to me, on a Sunday noon is late–9:15 am is positively virtuous, but the stallholders who sell out of the nicestvegetables by 8:30 don’t quite see it my way. In any case, I got all my vegetables and fruit and played the carnival card for my absence last week, which seemed to work–I even got a pity price of 2 TT (30 US cents) for two big bunches of bananas.

Given the banana bonanza, oatmeal banana pancakes just had to be made, topped with starfruit, and served with grapefruit on the side:

The rest of the day was spent making tomorrow’s lunch (a big batch of something Spanish, sassy, and freezable) and stitching my fingers and eye-sight away on said sub-24 hour dress.  It needs a hemming and one last handstitchy detail so I won’t show it until it’s done, but I’ll be nice and give you a fabric preview (as usual, I stuck my hand in for scale, despite the carnival-caused deplorably dry skin):

To the tune of “strike while the iron is hot,” I also started dress number 2, which is going to be a Frankensteining of a button-down blouse pattern and a skirt pattern to make a simple button-down shirtdress in this chaotic, medium-scale print:

I debated making it in a work-appropriate length, but I think I’m feeling more minidress minx than prim and proper about it.  I put the general thing together today (minus collar) and still need to do a lot of fitting and shaping, which I will do once the buttons go on, hopefully without incident, tomorrow.  My machine has a buttonhole setting and attachment, yet every buttonhole episode turns into an epic battle and the score usually ends up something like Machine: 5, Laura: 1.

In my state of sewing obsession, I did not put my sewing down for long enough to make lunch and wheedled The Husband into making it for me–a delicious peanut butter and apple sandwich and cup of ramen noodles made their way to me, for which I was VERY grateful.  Later on, I managed to put the sewing down for long enough to go for a walk and make dinner, which was a new favorite:

I am in obsessive love with this dish of coconut shrimp (tofu for the vegetarian gentleman) with pineapple sauce, brown rice, and garlic-soy sauce bok choi.  I will need a restraining order soon, just you wait.

So that was Sunday so far.  I’ll risk my already-dodgy nail polish job and finish the dress so I can show you tomorrow.  See?  I work hard for you, my lovelies, I really truly do.